Clare and I started Cape Cod Laughter Yoga in October of 2008. Since then, we have enjoyed laughing with an amazing and evolving group of Laughter Yogis every Monday morning at various venues in Falmouth.
When the Corona virus emerged in 2019, we moved to virtual meetings on Zoom. While the Zoom meetings kept the laughter flowing, we felt that something was lacking.
After taking an extended Summer hiatus, we felt that change was needed if CCLY was to continue. We haven’t figured it out yet, but we would like input from our Laughter community.
Please join us via Zoom on Sunday, October 24th from 2:00 to 3:00 PM to celebrate Cape Cod Laughter Yoga’s 13th anniversary and explore with us what its future might be.
If you are interested in attending this event, please email us to receive the Zoom link.